Saturday, 4 October 2014

Day three: The mystery of the missing campsite

Today we drove all the way across Austria but I couldn't tell you what it looked like because the motorway was almost completely fenced off. It was only after we had passed Vienna and were approaching Hungary that the fences came down to reveal the biggest chemical plant I've ever seen. We then drove through the biggest collection of wind turbines I've ever seen. 

We hadn't timed the afternoon's journey very well, so it was after dark by the time we entered Hungary, en route to our campsite. We hadn't booked anything, nor even chosen a site beforehand – we were relying on Sally's profound knowledge of local points of interest.

Tired and disoriented, we started to count down the minutes and then the metres to our arrival, only to pass by our 'destination' without seeing any sign of a campsite. We went around a roundabout and made another pass, but there was still no sign of the promised land. Stopping to reassess, Kate spotted someone standing outside their house and went to ask directions. Although he didn't speak English, she managed to ascertain that the campsite was shut, but there was another in the next own – about 15 minutes away.

We drove there and after flailing around searching for an entrance and then an owner, we got the tent up and had another intimate meal in the foyer.

1 comment:

  1. Loving being able to follow you all - and Sally too! Safe and happy journey to the pussycats. Lots of love Ma/Jen/Dids xxxx
